My new "Gadget"

***Happy Tuesday! I found out today that I'm "stuck" in Maine a couple days longer, so you'll continue to excuse the irregular posting! Now I get to fill in the extra time with more family visits, woo hoo!

One of my goals for 2012 was to simplify, and one of the ways I strive to do that is to limit the amount of stuff I have. It is so easy to accumulate, accumulate, accumulate - not even bad things, just things! That is why I frequently weed out and donate items so they don't get built up.


(You knew there was a "but," didn't you?)

Sometimes having things is necessary or better in the long run. Take my sewing machine and serger for instance. They get so dusty and packed up with fabric fuzz...similar to the lint that collects in your pockets over time! All that build up is not good for the machine and could cause serious problems if allowed to continue. So, I picked up this:

It is a mini vacuum, designed for computers and electronics! I actually picked this up at our local dollar store, at the whopping cost of $2!! Can't go wrong, right? They sell these things geared towards sewing machines, but the basic ones in Walmart that I saw were in the upper $20 range. I figured the $2 was worth a shot!

It has a simple on/off switch...

And two different attatchments...

And a usb cable....

Wait, a USB cable??? That is right, since this puppy is designed for the computer, it's only power source is through a USB port! It may look a little strange, but it gets the job done!!

I wasn't sure how well this little thing would work, but it is getting the job done! I'm much more positive about the life of my serger now that I can keep it nice and cleaned out. The normal vacuum attachments were too big and too "sucky" to clean the lint off, so I'm confident that this is the better route.

So there is my latest "gadget!" What handy tools do you have around the house that you consider important? What things get purged and don't make the cut?


  1. I LOVE that! Trip to Maine in the near future, lol. Sounds like you are having fun. =)


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