Christmas Party

I  may or may not have mentioned my new opportunity this fall to assist with a Bible study at our local nursing home. Did I talk about this before? No?

I assist a lady with a Bible study each week at our local nursing home. There, now I've mentioned it! :)

Yesterday was our last meeting until after the new year, and we threw a Christmas party for the residents! I took my two younger sisters to help out and provide some music, and a great time was had by all! You may remember us helping out with this same party last year.

It is such a privilege to be able to help out with this meeting, and meet and befriend these dear folks. Many of them have sharp minds and quick wits, and it is truly fun to be with them for an hour or so each week! It has been a blessing to see this group grow, and the excitement of each one as they come out. It is such a privilege to serve the Lord, isn't it?

Here are some pictures of our Christmas party this year:

group at Bible study

Isn't that a great group of people? I always start by playing the piano for about 30 minutes as the residents are making their way in. Mrs. H, the lady that runs the study, did some Christmas trivia with the folks...they were amazing! They knew all the answers!

reading trivia

Rachel and Carrie sang them some Christmas carols, and then we played "Name That Tune." Again, they did great! I would play the first three notes and they would start shouting out the answer. I only was able to stump them on one song, I believe it was "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne." It was so fun!

There was treats...lots and lots of treats!


No one went away hungry, and everyone was able to take a plate of goodies back to their rooms as well!

You may remember Candy, the dog, who makes weekly visits to the nursing home. He was present for our party this year, too, with gifts for each of the ones that attend the Bible study.


Of course, he dressed for the part.


santa outfit

The back of his Santa suit says, "Ho, ho ho!" :)

And let me say a word about the decor.

Christmas tree

Whomever is in charge of the decor at this nursing home does an excellent job. The nursing home is huge...the building is just over a year old, and is spread out in 8 different "houses." Between these houses are long hallways. Each house has its own kitchen, dining area, and living room with a big screen TV. It is really nice. And the entire thing is decorated to the hilt. I wished I had time to just run around and snag pictures of the different displays and decor, but unfortunately I didn't. Kudos to the decorating committee!

Besides the presents and fun, Mrs. H shared a brief Christmas devotional and read the Christmas story. Our prayer is that the Lord will use this season to work in the hearts of the residents that don't yet have a relationship with Christ! What a fantastic Christmas present that would be!!

So there's our Christmas party for this year. Anyone else attending parties this week? I have two more before the week is out! What things make your party(s) special and unique?


  1. This is such a touching blog. Glad to see that everyone had fun on that day especially for sharing the great words from the Bible while enjoying a Christmas party as well.


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