Gifts and Goals for the Week, December 10, 2012

Well, this week was kinda a big one in our family...

       Judah is standing(ish) and thinking about walking(ish). We all cheer whenever he stands up, so he has decided it is really fun to be cute and get lots of attention, {wink!} and started standing up on his own. So, of course, he now has 6 other people in his face 24/7 saying "Can you stand up? Can you walk to me? MOM, HE JUST TOOK A STEP! Can you stand up? Can you walk?" get the picture. =)

       The kids were exposed to chicken pox. Which is a good thing in our house. Rachel, Carrie or Judah has never had them, and we just like to get it over as soon as possible so they can go on with life. We'll see if they actually get them or not! (I believe Rachel has been exposed to them before and has never gotten them, so maybe she is not allergic? We'll see!)

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

494. Gingerbread candle
495. Provision and answered prayer
496. A growing, funny boy
497. Fun Christmas Ladies meeting
498. Unexpected fabric sale
499. Pretty Christmas lights drive
{Ahhhh, next one will be 500!! Woot!}

Last week, I set these goals:

Finish making placemats  <-there a="a" am="am" and="and" at="at" day.="day." don="don" every="every" everything="everything" first="first" for="for" glad="glad" have="have" hope="hope" how="how" i="i" is="is" look="look" me="me" out="out" pleased="pleased" recipient="recipient" same="same" strike="strike" t="t" the="the" them="them" they="they" this="this" time="time" to="to" too="too" turned="turned" was="was" wink="wink" with="with">

Make 1 bag - started it

Make a curtain

Continue working on Christmas Presents

Begin reading 2 new books - haven't decided for sure yet which it will be!

Have a brainstorming session with myself, pondering personal, business and blog goals for 2013.

Start making a Ninja costume - yup, you read that’s an experiment for a friend!

This week, I'm setting these goals:

Finish one bag

Finish Ninja outfit

Work on {and try to finish!!} christmas presents

Write one letter to a friend

Get Christmas program costumes ready {and have a practice without total confusion and panic ensuing!}

Continue reading Sense and Sensibility

Help with a Christmas party at the nursing home

Only two more weeks to get ready for Christmas!! Are you ready? What do you have left to do? Does anyone else save presents for the last minute??

***Note: this post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small commission from products purchased through these links, which helps support this blog.


  1. All our presents are shopped for and we are going to be giving them out in the next week or so!


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