Gifts and Goals for the Week, December 17, 2012

Happy Monday!!

After a super, super busy week last week, I am seriously cracking down on a big long list of things that have to get done this week. Mostly for our church's Christmas program on Friday night, but I also need to finish up for Christmas as well. Anyone else feeling the crunch??

This last week was the week for Christmas parties. I was involved with 3!! That makes for a pretty busy week when you factor in the prep, baked goodies, and such. But they were all so much fun. I am so blessed to be part of the churches I am involved with!

I showed you what I took to these parties for gifts - wanna see what I came home with??

This metal candle stand was one gift...

candle holder

I stole it from a lady in my dad's church during our gift exchange. {I mean stole in the nicest way, of is part of the game (wink!)} I love the ORB type finish on the metal. It will be super fun to decorate with after the Christmas decor comes down!

I don't have a pillar candle for it yet, but here is another candle just to give you an idea of how it will look...

candle holder with candle

I see a white pillar candle and coffee beans in its future. {wink!}

The second gift I snagged was this cute snowman nightlight:

snowman nightlight

He'll make a nice "winter decoration" long after Christmas is over!

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 Gifts list this week:

500. Christmas party
501. Opportunities to serve
502. Smooth{er} program practice
503. More Christmas parties
504. Chinese food 2 days in a row {wink!}
505. Stephanie’s safe flights
506. My church family
507. Gifts I don’t deserve

Last week, I set these goals:

Finish one bag

Finish Ninja outfit - soooooo close to done!

Work on christmas presents

Write one letter to a friend

Get Christmas program costumes ready {and have a practice without total confusion and panic ensuing!}

Continue reading Sense and Sensibility  - finished it!

Help with a Christmas party at the nursing home - see it here!

This week, I'm setting these goals:

Finish christmas presents and wrap them

Pack for trip

Finish getting costumes ready for the program Friday

Set up for the program 

Go Christmas caroling

And probably some other things that I'm forgetting at the moment. :)

So, we're down to crunch time...anyone else have last minute things to do? Are you enjoying time spent with family and friends?


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