Goals for the Week, June 18, 2013

Well, we've had a very interesting start to the week in our house, but I guess the show must go on regardless. :) I say this every time I take a vacation, but it is always so nice to get back into a routine and get cracking on those goals once again!

One of my favorite picts from my trip!
We had a funeral service today for a man who graduated to heaven this week. He had a hard-fought battle with cancer over the last years, but praise the Lord that suffering is over! Now that the funeral is past it feels like the week can actually begin, so here are the goals I am working towards this week:

Work on lots of new shop items. Can't wait to show them to you!

Review Philippians 1

Get up at 8 each day

Organize room - put away birthday gifts {*she says as she  hangs her head in shame.}

Practice piano two days

Continue reading A Man Called Peter

Write 2 emails to friends

Cut out culottes for the girls

I feel like I need to "catch up" with all of you...what have you been up to while I've been gone? What goals are you currently working towards? Any big projects planned now that summer weather is here?


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