Homemade Blueberry Iced Coffee

Any long-time readers know that I love my coffee, and am often looking for ways to make fun coffee drinks on the cheap. I’ve tried some homemade flavoured creamers in the past, and in the summer a staple is homemade iced coffee. There are lots of different ways to go about this, but I always come back to this method - I find it is the tastiest!

Lately we’ve finally had some great summer weather, and I felt myself getting that familiar itch for some iced goodness to enjoy on these hot days. But, I didn’t have any flavoured creamer in the house...and my typical method depends on that stuff. I decided to try something new - with flavoured coffee instead!

I had picked up some New England coffee while I was in the States, because their Blueberry coffee is a huge treat for me! (Here is an Amazon link for the blueberry stuff if you don't know what I"m talking about!) I also normally order blueberry coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts when I’m in the states - we don’t have that here either. So I was super pumped to try my hand at my own Blueberry Iced Coffee!

I did things pretty much the same as normal - brewed double-strength coffee, chilled it, added milk and cream - but I wondered what to do about sweetening it. Normally the flavoured creamer is all the sweetness I need, but this time I would have to add my own sweet.

Since I wondered how well it would work to add sugar to cold coffee {would it dissolve?} I decided instead to add the sugar to the coffee while it was still hot.

I had enough extra-strong coffee for 3 or 4 helpings, so I added 2 Tablespoons of sugar to the bottom of a glass jar, then poured the coffee in. I put a lid on it and chilled it for a few hours.

When I got ready to make the coffee, I just poured enough of my coffee base over ice, added milk and a dash of cream, and...it was perfect.

Pure blueberry bliss.

I always use a disposable straw in these things, because last summer I was using a reuseable straw and I sucked up an earwig that was hiding inside. Nastiest.thing.ever. Since then I haven’t been able to make myself use a reuseable straw!

I tried just drinking it with no straw at all, but I found I was getting a lot of melting ice and not a whole lot of coffee. The straw is a necessary part of this drink.

This has now become a staple in my summer survival kit. Seriously, if I’m ever stranded on a deserted island, please life-flight me some blueberry coffee. And ice.

There are lots of other great ideas out there for making iced coffee at home. For instance…

...if you need to satisfy an immediate craving, try this method with instant coffee.
...here is a steep-overnight method I tried, if that is more your thing.
...If you have leftover coffee in the bottom of your daily pot, freeze it in ice cube trays. Then use this to chill your iced coffee instead! You won’t lose out on flavour as the ice melts!
...here is my Pinterest board dedicated to beverages. Most of the pins are either about coffee or the benefits of drinking water. One of those was a lie. :)

What iced drinks do you enjoy during the summer? Anyone else enjoy experimenting with homemade concoctions and pulling off more frugal drinks?

Linking up with: Diana Rambles, Sundae Scoop, Classy Clutter, From Dream to Reality 


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