On Bloglovin' and Lovin' Blogs

Some of you may have heard that the ever-so-popular Google Reader is being retired on July 1st.
In case you aren't a google user, Google reader is just an easy way to organize the blogs you read by keeping the feeds all in one place. You can scroll down through the newest posts on all your favourite blogs, saving you time instead of bringing up each blog individually.

But, it is going to be ineffective as of July 1st. With it, I suppose we'll have no need of Google Friend Connect, either, so those of us with Blogger are out of luck all the way around. I am sure the idea is for all of us to use Google+ instead....though I'm not up on how all that works.

Instead, I found another alternative that has fit the bill for me: Bloglovin.'

Bloglovin' works much the same way as Google Reader, making it easy to find and follow blogs, and showing the most recent posts. It has other options as well, like marking your favorite posts so it is easy to go back and re-read later. I have grouped the blogs I read into different categories. For instance, I have one group of just blogs where I link up to their linky parties, so when I am ready to link up those posts are easy to find. You also have the option of following privately if your prefer.

Bloglovin' also makes it easy to link up and "claim" my own blog, so if you are a blogger, I highly recommend this! I know how many people are following my blog with bloglovin' this way, plus I can link my blog with Facebook and my posts will automatically get posted there. What a time saver! All of this is easily done without a lot of "high-falluting mumbo-jumbo" which makes me happy. :)

A screen shot of my Bloglovin' dashboard - I love the simple white interface!

Thankfully you can also import all the blogs you read from Google Reader, so there is no reason you can't get that done by July 1st.

You can sign up and follow my blog on Bloglovin' by clicking here. I hope you will! This is a great way to make sure you don't miss out on the posts from all of your favourite blogs.

I'd love to know: how do you organize your blog reading? Have you used Google Reader in the past? What alternatives are you using these days?


  1. Ohhhh...so glad for this post. I had no idea what I was going to do and hadn't done any research to find out! Thanks so much! :)

    1. Glad this was a help! I wouldn't have known either if some other bloggers hadn't brought it up. I'll be looking for you on Bloglovin'! :)


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