A few Goals for the Week, July 16, 2013

Time for a weekly update on my goals from the last week, and the ones I am setting for the next 7 days!

We are down to the wire with VBS preparations - only 6 more days and then it will be here! For that reason I am keeping my goals limited this week, as most of the time will be spent on that. I’m excited...I always am excited for that week to come! Hopefully I can share more later in the week about my plans and the class I am teaching.

Here are the goals I set last week:

Memorize Philippians 3:16-18

Continue reading Jane Eyre

Sewing biz stuff...always! :)

Make a bible case for a friend

Make playclothes for the girls

Continue planning for VBS

Write 1 hand-written note

Organize in attic {and perhaps folding clothes in in order, no?}

And here are the goals for this week!

Mostly VBS prep

Memorize Philippians 3:18-20

Continue reading Jane Eyre

List one new shop item - wait for it! This has to be my cutest shop update yet!

Finish making a Bible case

I'd love to hear what your weekly goals are! Are you enjoying summer where you live? Any big events taking place for you?


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