So Sew! Day 1: Introducing my Craft

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I’ve decided to do it. I’ve been debating for weeks whether or not to commit to 31 straight days of posting, but here I am. The first day. Can I admit that I’m a little bit scared?

Welcome to 31 Days of Sewing Basics!

I have a fun month planned out, and pushing those scared feelings aside, I’m really thrilled and over-the-moon excited to be doing this! This series is not a complete Sewing School or Sewing 101 class, but just some tips, ideas, and easy projects that even a beginning seamstress can take on. You’ll get a look at my processes and what all is behind So Sew Organized, as well as some sneak peeks at our Christmas collection!

I hope that even if you are a self-proclaimed anti-sewing person, or feel like you have three hands that are all thumbs when you sit down at a machine, that you will follow along and learn how you can at least begin to tolerate the experience. :) Some of these tips will be helpful for those crafters that use fabric for other projects besides sewing, so really this series will be a help to everyone!

Feel free to chime in any time in a comment or on Facebook with ideas, tips, or what you’d like to see in a post this month. I do have a basic plan in place for these posts, but that is subject to change. {wink!}

To start us off today, I’m going to dig into my past and share how I got to where I am today…

My Grammie is my #1 sewing inspiration. She gave me my first machine, taught me to sew, and to this day we chat sewing and make fabric store runs when I am in the States. {Ok, so they really aren’t fabric store runs...more like fabric store lets-park-and-stay-a-whiles...just ask my Grampie!}

I’m sure she never imagined where those first simple lessons on a used sewing machine would go - I know I certainly never dreamed I’d end up owning my own handmade shop!
This is me the Christmas my grandparents gave me my sewing machine. I was probably about 13. This is the only picture I could find, and yes that is a scrapbooking sticker. =)

It has really been in the last 3 years that I’ve defined my sewing style. I’ve decided that making clothes is not really my thing - although I can do it if I have to. I’ve made an occasional quilt, but they generally take more patience than I can muster up on a regular basis. {wink!}

It wasn’t until I started making accessories that I really felt that I’d found my niche. The first Quilted Totes ever made were Christmas gifts. They were the large size, and pretty basic - no pocket or special features. But I loved it. And since that time 2 years ago {whatthewhat?} my love for my craft has continued to grow. I’ve discovered that I love the entire process - picking out pretty fabrics, designing a piece, and even the trial and error as I make a piece into what I envisioned it would be.

During this last year I’ve stretched myself more to add more items to my shop, while staying within the bounds of my style and brand. The addition of Booktotes, tablet sleeves, and just recently zipped pouches has been such a learning experience!

Over these years - 10 or more! - I’ve learned more by trial and error than probably any sewing class could teach you. I’ve learned new things just by forging ahead and trying it. Hopefully over the next 30 days I can share some of those tips with you!

Each day in this series, I'm issuing a small challenge, or "homework" at the end of the day's post to encourage you to take action on what you've read! Today is simple: just leave a comment below sharing where you are as a seamstress - experienced? newbie? break out in hives just thinking about it? Do share. :)


  1. Looking forward to reading your posts! I blog at Life is {Sew} Daily. Love sewing, too! I also serve the King of Kings!

    1. Thanks Amy! I'm so glad to hear from such a like-minded person! I'll be following along with your series, too! =)

      Thanks for commenting!


  2. I am a major newbie!! I got a machine for Christmas, but just started learning to use it in the past two weeks. So far I've made a pillow case, an apron, a small bag, and a wallet with card slots that are too small for cards to fit into! lol Can't wait to pick up some tips from your 31 days posts.

    1. Wow, you sound like you're on a roll! Your comment about the card slots cracked me up! =) So glad you are following sure to let me know if you have any specific questions along the way!

  3. Should I call myself a newbie? I certainly never had any classes or anything, lol. LOVE sewing and am so thankful for the hand-me-down machine from my mom and the new-to-me serger from a friend. Unlike you, though, I do enjoy making clothes. I just wish they all looked store-bought, lol. Some creations are pretty hideous. My latest creation was a Baby K'tan-style sling to carry Baby in. Makes my life easier and I can sew while keeping her quiet =)

    1. Yay for self-taught! Go you! I think the "creations" we make up ourselves are the most fun! :) Thanks for chiming in!

  4. My mom taught me quite a bit when I was in high school but I never used it. I finally bought my own machine this past thanksgiving (black Friday shopping) and am trying to re-learn how to use it. I love making things to decorate with and have a lot of projects in mind but one step at a time right? Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us to learn

    1. Oh fun! I hope this series is a sure to let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like to learn!

  5. I've just read back the first 6 days of this series, and am putting your blog on my favorites list! I hope, after reading all 31 days, to muster up the courage to buy a machine and giving sewing a try. Definitely breaking out in hives here just reading about sewing!!

    1. I'm so glad you are following along! Don't break out in hives - go ahead and make that purchase!! Start with an inexpensive machine if you're worried about putting the $$$ into it. We'll be tackling things like sewing a straight seam later this week, hope it helps you!!

      Let me know if I can help in any other ways! =)



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