Gifts and Goals for the Week

This last week began the 40 day period typically called Lent, preparing to recognize the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. If you missed my thoughts on the matter, you can go here to read them. I am enjoying this practice once again! Taking extra time each day to, this year, focus on the attributes of God has already been beneficial to my walk with the Lord. I look forward more and more to the observance of Resurrection Sunday! This week, I am going to try adding to this practice the memorization of a verse that goes along with what I am reading. We’ll see how it goes!

Here are the additions from this week to my “1,000 Gifts” list:

230. Having the supplies for a project
231. Special treat for lunch
232. Justin’s birthday party
233. Caramel Syrup in my coffee
234. Knowledge to fix serger (it stopped working in the middle of a project - I was sweating for a while! So thankful that God cares about the small things!)
235. Hot lobster sandwiches
236. Games on the Wii
237. Rest

This was one of those weeks that “life” got in the way of my to-do list, but I certainly don’t mind when it is things like pizza, birthday parties, and holding a sweet baby that is growing up way to fast! (Not necessarily in that order, mind you ;) Here are last weeks goals:

And here are the ones for this week!

I really need to get that bookcase cleaned and organized, because in the last few weeks it has been quite warm and I’ve killed several silverfish near the books. NOT good! Hopefully a nice clean bookshelf will deter them. I also am pumped to participate in the Project Pretty link up party at the end of the I just have to decide what I am going to “pretty up,” haha!

What projects will you be working on this week? Anyone else getting your pretty on this week and linking up?


  1. "Hot lobster sandwiches"? Why don't you just say, "haha, I live in paradise and you don't"? Send one my way, mmmmk? :)


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