Gifts and Goals for the Week

Arrogance and Humility

Arrogance is a consequence of focusing on oneself to the exclusion of others. This results from the basic flaw in our natures that we love ourselves but are afraid no one else does. Humility is the essence of focusing on others to the exclusion of oneself. Only with God’s help can our arrogance be transformed into humility. In the ideal world, everyone else would be concerned only with our well-being, just as we’d be concerned only with the well-being of everyone else. Humility is at ease only when the one loved is happy. In fact, joy arises most strongly from seeing the joy of others. Humility is love, which is not self-seeking.”
Taken from A Year With Jesus by R. P. Nettelhorst

I enjoyed that description of humility and pride and was rebuked at how true it is. What are your thoughts concerning humility? It is a hard subject to talk about without sounding prideful (hah!) but I’d love to hear your take on it.

I enjoyed a full, busy week and was overjoyed with several blessings and answers to prayer! It has been a week full of reminders that God is good!

Continuing my list of 1,000 Gifts:

221. Words of wisdom and encouragement from a church lady
222. Answer to an 8-year prayer
223. Snowball fight with siblings
224. Winning in Settlers of Catan (it doesn’t happen often folks, I’ve got to enjoy it while it lasts!)
225. Sharing services with a sister church
226. Fellowship of Believers
227. Finished Quilt Top
228. Brunch with church ladies
229. Valentines Supper

Here were my goals for this last week:

And here are my goals for this coming week!

I have a sewing project for some friends that I can start now, as well as a project I had wanted to get done last week, but ran into a little snag. I couldn’t find the color thread I needed! I finally found one that will have to be close *enough*, but I’m not really happy with it. What do you do in a case like this? I wondered about ordering online, but how could I guarantee I would get the right color that way? Anyway, I’d love to hear how you remedy that type of problem. Hopefully I can get that project done this week!

Trust you all will have a full, Christ-honoring week! What will you be accomplishing in the next seven days?

Linking up with Money Saving Mom!


  1. Hi Nicole! I love your goal-setting for the week. I love sewing, too. Can't wait to see how your projects turn out! I have no answers for your thread problem. I run into snags in sewing all the time. Hope it works out for you!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Amanda! It does seem hard to find what I need around here. I enjoy going to Greenwood to the craft store in the mall, but I can't make that trip very often! A lot of the time I'm stuck with Walmart, and their selection is getting so limited! Oh well, I'll just have to make it work. :) Nice to hear from you!

  2. Oh! I love the set-up for listing and checking off your goals: it is so colorful and cute! Good luck this week!

    1. Thanks, Karen! I popped over to your blog and I enjoyed seeing your goals for the week, too! The list you see is actually part of the Planning Binder series that I sell in my Etsy shop, you can pop over there for a better look!


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