March Pinterest Project: Fruity Playdough!

It's all over now.

Store-bought playdough?? No way!

No going back! Buh-bye, nasty, crumbly, smelly stuff.

We're officially hooked on phonics fruity playdough!

I saw this recipe on a blog. I loved it, pinned it, and then actually did it. I feel like I really did what pinterest-ers are supposed to do!

You can get all the deets on Laines blog, but basically it is just an easy playdough recipe using household ingredients and kool-aid to make it fruity! Who would have thought?  Here are some pictures of us making it!

Mixing it all together

We used cherry and lime kool-aid to try to make a cherry-limeade scent (my favorite!). If I did it again, I would use less of the cherry kool-aid. We put in the full two packets, but I don't think that was necessary. It smells good, just a little on the cherry side. Unless you ask Rachel, who thinks it stinks and smells like cough syrup. Ah well, you win some, you lose some. :)

She enjoyed playing with it, despite the smell! :)

They LOVED the texture!

I just wish I would have known about this at the beginning of winter! It would have made a great winter activity. We do have some rainy days coming, so I can see it getting a lot of use then! We are excited to get more kool-aid and make more flavors! (or would it be scents?)

Its official.No more store-bought for us! We're also conspiring to make some for birthday presents! What a great gift for some little friends!

Fruity Playdough!

Thanks for the "pin" and the great idea, Laine! =)

Linking up with:
Hi Sugarplum
I Heart Naptime
I Heart Nap Time


  1. As soon as I clicked over here I realized you are the "coffee chats" girl from Holly's blog! Nice to meet you! =) So glad you enjoyed the playdough! It is so much fun for kids and so much less messy. Hope your siblings have lots of fun with this!

    1. Yup, thats me! =) Holly and I went to ABC together. We are enjoying the playdough, thank you so much! =)

  2. What a fun project for kiddos! Great job, and thanks for linking up with the Winter Pinterest Challenge!

    Erin @ The Great Indoors


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