Peanut Butter Cookies from 3 Normal Ingredients

I'm not a fan of cooking - its probably my least favorite housekeeping activity, right down there with vacuuming - but today I have a recipe for you that even I can handle. 3 ingredients. I can do that.

I am not sure what made me think of it, but the other day I remembered a lady making these cookies for me. I was staying the night in her home while traveling with a college group, and she told us she was going to show us how to make the quickest, easiest cookies ever. Well folks, I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, but its true. Here is the recipe:

You'll need these ingredients:

Yup, that's it. Promise. Measure out 1 cup of peanut butter, 1 cup of sugar, and dump it all in with your egg.

Mix them together.

And you'll have something that looks like this:

It is suggested, but not required, that you get a cute volunteer...

...or two. Well, he didn't help much, I guess. ;)

Rachel wanted to try this recipe with me, and cook some in her Easy Bake oven. Contrary to the name, those things aren't that easy, did you know that? Anyway, she cooked enough in her easy bake for supper, while I cooked the rest in the real oven.

As if these aren't easy enough, we didn't even grease our pans. There is so much oil from the peanut butter, its not even necessary. How much more simple can you get? I guess they could take themselves out of the oven. That would be helpful.

Just make small round balls and flatten them slightly with a fork. Bake at 350 for 5-8 minutes.

I {love} these cookies, because they are so moist, not at all dry like some peanut butter cookies tend to be. It doesn't make a whole lot, obviously, but makes for a great quick snack when you are craving something sweet!

I would love hearing if anyone else has heard of these easy peasy cookies before! Also, let me know if you try them! How can you pass them up...they are so easy! :)

Happy baking! I'm off to eat a cookie. :)


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