May Pinterest Project: Toilet Paper Roll Organization

My Pinterest-inspired project this time is one that has been floating around the pinterest world for a while, but that doesn't make having "Toilet Paper" in this blog title any less awkward, haha! Hey, a bloggers gotta do what a bloggers gotta do!

This project was recently highlighted by Jen of I {Heart} Organizing:

But other pins like this have been around the block as well:

Such a great idea! I decided to use it to organize my hair tool cords. I just found a few toilet paper rolls, covered them in pretty paper and this easy-peasy project was done!

I had been keeping the cords wrapped in a twist-tie, so my drawer was not a huge mess, but I love the ease and the eye appeal of this method!

I found that they don't slip off at all, I can pick up my straightener and the cord comes with it all nicely contained in its roll. So nice!

One of my curling irons is in a heat-protective sleeve, but the rest are not sporting their very own cord roll! Love the ease of the project, the price tag (100% free!) and the eye appeal of the finished product!

What projects have you been working on lately? Anyone else have such pretty drawers as I do? :)


  1. Those are really pretty!! It sure makes your drawer a whole lot neater.

    I had always wondered how well the tubes would stay on the cord. I guess that is one of the reasons why I have never tried them. Well that, and the fact that I have never seen any that didn't look like a toilet paper tube! :)


    1. They stay on REALLY well, I was surprised! And it is amazing what a little paper can do! :)


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