A Little Window Shopping

Do any of you other bloggers find yourself doing this?

I’ll just be doing whatever random thing I happen to be doing on any given day, and suddenly find myself turning it into a blog post in my head. Oh yeah, this blogging thing is a sickness, I tell ya.

Well, I had one of those moments last week. I was tagging along on a shopping trip with my aunt and cousin, when suddenly I had a lightbulb moment: “I could do a window shopping post!!!” I just couldn’t resist, especially since it was the rare occasion that I actually was carrying my camera!

So, I snapped a few pictures of some fun things that caught my eye. And here they are for ya.

We were in Augusta, Maine, shopping at The Christmas Tree Shop. It is a fun store that holds a little bit of everything, not just Christmas stuff like the name suggests. Usually things are pretty reasonably priced, and you can find random things there that are hard to find in other places.

Here are some fun things I found:

I absolutely adored these vases. In fact, these babies sparked the whole window shopping post idea. The turquoise ones were my favorite, but they all were pretty. I think these would add a great pop of color to any area of a home. The vase is so pretty by itself that it wouldn’t even need anything in it!


I love baskets. Love, love, love ‘em. But with a chevron lining?? Swoon. I know chevron can be a bit overused these days, but these just look all kinds of happy. And the price was a whole lot nicer than lined baskets usually are!


This is called a Coastal Floor lamp. It came with a white or happy blue shade, and a nice wicker-y feel to the outside. They also had a smaller table lamp. These would be so neat in a living room with a ocean theme! I can totally see them flanking a couch or something


These candle globes caught my eye in all their colorful beauty. They are made to hold a candle inside, but I totally think they should make these as light fixtures, too. Just sayin’


This red drink fountain is fun with a slight vintage feel to it. This would be perfect for your Canada Day or Independance Day celebration! I know, I’m a little late for this year, but there is always next year!


The striped version was great too, and would totally fit in just about any summer party or birthday party.

$19.99 (the $14.99 sign is for something else)

And last but not least, this guitar lamp caught my eye. I don’t know if I’d personally choose to own one, but it seemed neat to me all the same. It would make a great random piece to have, and kind of double as art. I can see it in a room where you need something brown to tie things together...like if you have a white dresser with a wood grain top, and on the other side of the room you need something wood grain to tie it in. Can you picture it?


I did come home with a couple things, however not nearly as exciting as these other fun finds. Color me cheap.

These storage bins were right in my budget.

Storage boxes: $1.00 each!!

And hallelujah, they fit perfectly under my bed!!

I was taking a chance at them fitting in this space, but I knew I could find another use for them if plan A failed. But it didn’t. Now my only regret is that I didn’t pick up more! I could have used these babies EVERYWHERE! I am just happy to finally have a solution to my where-to-keep-my-Bible-so-I-can-reach-it-from-my-bed dilemma. 

The only other thing I picked up was a roll of camouflage duck-tape. No, I’m not THAT redneck...it is for VBS!! :) I’ll probably just use it to tape kids mouths shut decorate. :)

Well there is my attempt at an impromptu window shopping trip. It was fun! I already have  another one planned for the future. :) For now, I’d love to hear which of these things catches your eye...are you a guitar lamp lover? Or how about those turquoise vases? I’m still digging those.


  1. That was really neat!

    Thanks Nichole!!



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