Visit Nova Scotia: Bay Winds

Whose ready for another window-shopping post in the "Visit Nova Scotia" series? I am, and I am super excited about this stop in the tour!

So far we've been to Forgotten Memories, Atlantic Heirlooms, Grandma's and even visited the sandy beaches of the island of Lockeport. Today, I'm taking you to Bay Winds, a shop in Plympton, Nova Scotia full of collectible items, antiques, local fare and lots of other goodies!

The store itself looks charming enough, plus the added benefit of having a beautiful ocean view! Lets step right up to the front door, shall we?

This cheery front room greets you when you first walk in the door. I just love how nicely the owner of this shop has things displayed! It is so easy to walk around and look at everything.

There is another room behind this one with lots more on display.

Here is a peek at some of the things that caught my eye!

If you are looking for local fare, these sea-glass necklaces are just beautiful. It would so much fun to learn how to make these!

At first I didn't notice the dog in the mirror checking me out, lol!

I have this thing for wash basins. This white one would fit beautifully into almost any decor!

Can I just take a minute to say how much I love the decor in this shop? For instance, the owner has used an old tablecloth as a window curtain. It is just clipped up with simple curtain rod hooks. Love it!

Here are more beach-themed goodies...a picture frame to add to the mix!

These deep red vases are so elegant! I would love to decorate a whole dining room around them! They were $23 for the pair.

That little chicken in front (which opens up and makes a perfect candy bowl...or anything else you want to hide!) was $12, and the teapot spoon rest was a whopping $2. That little bugger might just come home with me next time! I often read in bed, and sometimes take a mug of tea or coffee with me. I think it would be great to fix up a tray to set my things on so nothing gets spilled, and this little guy would be a great addition! If it happens, I'll be sure to let you know!

I didn't get this vase down to check the price, but what pretty detail and orange colors!

These are hard to read because of the glare, but one says "Souvenir of New York, NY." and the other is the same only from Lynn, Mass. Maybe these were the original souvenir? If so, we've come a ways since then!

I'll be honest, I'm not sure what this is...but I love it, haha! The tag read "Black Art Glass" and it was priced at $55. It had a very elegant, modern feel to it.

Oh look, another wash basin...I can't help myself! This one has a price of $225 and the tag read, "Arden 'Burleigh' Pitcher & Bowl." So pretty!

That decanter beside it is crystal, and the tag read, "Crystal water decanter $95 c. 1880-1910 Diamond Star & Hobstar pattern with 'File zipper' throat." I think it is so interesting to read about the different items! I appreciate how well this store has things marked!

Well, hello there buddy!

This guy is almost too lovely to use for food! I almost think he'd be great in a bathroom full of rolled up towels or something like that. I love the coloring and uniqueness of it!

Here is a whole shelf dedicated to dishes and colored glass. Be still my heart.

These particular items caught my eye...hey, you should be glad I made it this far in a post without including colorful dishes, ok?

The tag for this unique piece read "Canadian Art Glass" and was $55. The unique shape would make it such a great piece to plan table decor around!

This small dish was especially neat to me.

It was only $15. Wouldn't you expect the handle to open up a small lid in the top, leaving a bowl-shaped piece? But oh no, this little guy gives you quite a surprise! Here it is weren't suspecting that, were you?

Such a neat piece!

Behind that was a great blue vase...apparently this is the post for vases...but you can't have too many nor too many different colors!

There were a few other antiques (besides colored glass) that caught my eye. This little "potty chair" is so cute! I can see decorating with it...maybe putting a pot of flowers in the middle? Certainly not what this chair was originally intended for, but hey, whatever works for you!

Here is a neat wringer washer priced at $175. (say "wringer washer" five times fast!) Another neat piece to decorate with!

And yes, I'm back to dishes.

I just thought this set was adorable! See the acorns in the detail along the edge of the plate? So cute!

There is also a whole shelf set aside for doll house furniture and accessories. I could spend hours and hours looking through this stuff!

Here is just an example of one little "room" that is set up. Notice the tiny doll-house-within-a-dollhouse? What a neat little feature!

This shops owner sparked an interest in my sisters to make themselves a dollhouse out of a shelf like this. They are still looking for a shelf that would be "perfect" for it. I personally think that doll house sets and miniatures are so much fun! A friend of mine used to always puzzle over the fact that women always think that small things are "cute," lol! It is true!

There is a small room dedicated to antique linens and home decor items, plus some modern quilts as well. These things are so dainty!

She gave me some great ideas for taking some of these items and re-purposing them to fit modern needs. It would be so much fun to try!

This little display is right up my alley. If I had a sewing room, I would love to transport this to it as inspirational decor! Maybe someday...

That sums up our virtual tour, but I trust that if you are ever traveling down Highway 101 through Plympton, you'll stop in and take a look-see for yourself!

A huge thanks to Tracy for allowing me to do some window shopping and share it with you all!

Now, lets play the whats your favorite part game. I, obviously, am in love with some of those turquoise and blue dishes, as well as that fabulous rooster. What items were your favorites?


  1. Oooh, I'd love to come visit your part of the Maritimes! Thanks so much for virtually visiting!


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