Frugal Photo Friday: Decor

I'm joining in the fun over at Money Saving Mom and Simply Rebekah! Every Friday during October these gals are sharing pictures of ways they save money in certain areas. So far the topics have been Bath and Beauty and Food and Fun. Today's frugal photo is of the Home and Decor!

Here is my frugal picture:

Decor does not have to be expensive. Sure, we'd all love for our homes to look like they came out of a magazine, but they we wouldn't be able to live in them, would we?! Instead, we can take everyday things or just those *things* that seem to accumulate and use them as decor.

For example, in the left side of my frugal picture is some art I made with foreign coins. Nothing fancy, but it is an interesting piece that blends in well with the rest of my room.  Beside that is my college graduation tassel. Still farther to the right is my name in wood letters, something my Uncle made me when I was a little girl. I love that I can bring sentimental things into the decor of my room! Not only that, but I love that it cost me NOTHING! Can't beat that, now can you?

Of course, we can't leave out seasonal the apples and pumpkins I showed you yesterday. See, even seasonal decor doesn't have to cost you much! We grew the pumpkin, and the apples were wild from our yard. Another freebie project! Gotta love it!

How do you save $$ in the area of home decor? Do you have a frugal tip you'd like to share?


  1. I have a ton of coins from other countries. I never thought to decorate with them!


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