Money Saving Mom: 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life - New eBook!!

Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom has done it again...released an eBook that is applicable and beneficial to us all!

21 Days to a More Disciplined Life came about after a blog series on that same subject. This book contains more than just blog posts, however! For 21 days, Crystal highlights several areas of discipline in our daily lives - from setting goals, taking tiny baby steps, allowing discipline to be a process in your life, the dangers of comparison, and many more!

This is not another self-help book. It is intended to be a guide and help to you as you get back on track in certain areas of self-discipline. I’ve not yet read the entire book, but the chunk I did read has motivated me to get going and do something in the area of personal discipline in my life. In fact, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of this new eBook, knowing that there are areas in my life where I am lacking in personal disciple, and eager to apply Crystal’s steps in my own life!

Here is my favorite quote so far…

“The more you train yourself that defeat isn’t an option, the sooner you’ll stop being afraid of adversity.”

This book is set up in an easy-to-follow daily format. For each day, there is a brief reading on that day’s subject and goal, followed by a few steps of practical application to help you implement personal discipline. It is not time consuming by any means. How much does this area of discipline mean to you? Is it worth 15 minutes a day of your time? That is all this series requires!

TODAY, Crystal’s book is being released..and for these first three days only (October 23-25), you can get it for just $0.99. Yup, you read that right! As of October 26, the eBook will go to its regular price of $4.99 so get it while the getting is good! Click here to head over and get a copy for yourself.

I’m planning to begin implementing the 21 days to a more disciplined life next week, and I’d love to have you join me! Pick up your own copy and pray this week about the areas of your life that are lacking in self discipline. Then join me next week for 3 weeks of getting back on track in these areas! I’ll be updating you on my progress, and I’d love to hear what steps you are taking in your own life.

Thanks Crystal, for a great book and the motivation to tackle this area of my life!

For those of you as behind the times as I am, here is a note about eBooks. You may think you have to have some fancy reader, tablet or apps to be able to purchase and read eBooks, but that is not always the case. This book comes in a .pdf file, which means that even those of us with only a simple computer can open and read it electronically. So don't be afraid to purchase it!

Update: there is a Kindle version available on Crystal's site as well.

***Note: I was sent a pre-release copy of 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life so I could read it and introduce it to my readers. This post contains my affiliate link. All opinions are 100% my own, and I am confident that this book will be a help and encouragement to you!


  1. I KNOW there are areas (many areas) in my life that I need to work on! Thank you, Nicole, for recommending this book.

    I've just downloaded my copy to my Kindle and am looking forward to beginning next week to use it for God's glory.

    ~ Leslie H.


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