Gifts and Goals for the Week, November 26, 2012

Oh the weather outside is frightful....

Well, maybe not frightful...but freezing!!

We had our first dusting of snow yesterday. When I say dusting, I mean dusting. Barely enough to see on the ground. It was enough to get some kids around here excited! And enough to bring some momentary concern to the adults: Is it going to get nasty out there? Will there be church? Will I be able to get to church?

It wasn't nasty, so thankfully we didn't have to wonder for very long!

It is funny how we do that on the first few snowfalls of the year. We let ourselves panic for a second and shut ourselves in the house, declaring it too snowy to go out. By the end of winter, we drive through 3 day blizzards for a cup of Tims without batting an eye. 

We're funny, us humans.

But anyway,

Here are the blessings I added to my 1,000 gifts list this week:

482. A pretty day
483. Competitions on the Wii
484. God knowing the friends I need
485. A great new idea
486. A fun day crafting
487. Strength
488. Wisdom to make a decision

The goals I set last week were:

Prep for and attend craft fair

Work on other sewing projects

Finish 3 new printables

Write one email to a friend

Continue reading Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

List 2 items on Etsy

List 4 items on Kijiji

Complete days 14-18 of the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life - finished through day 17
Work on Pinterest project

And here are the goals I've set for this week!

Tackle mending pile

Make cloth placemats

Make 2 bags

Work on Christmas presents (making a few handmade things….but I can’t tell what :)

Finish Pride and Prejudice and Passion and Purity

Finish a bunch of many as I can get done!

Write one email

Finish the book 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

Work on Pinterest project

Have a great week, friends! What goals have you set this week?


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