It's Party Time!

In January we started this series of monthly linky parties, with Home Improvement as the theme! Before February gets completely away from us (oh wait, it already did!) lets get together and party over the improvements and accomplishments we've made in our homes this month!

The idea is pretty simple:

  • Come back next Tuesday, March 5th, to link up any type of post that has made an improvement to your home - a project, organizing effort, cleaning system, new recipe, planning or list making, or even a topical post like couponing or child-rearing. Basically anything goes!
  • Feel free to link up as many posts as you’d like, as long as they are recent {we’ll say anytime in February to be fair}
  • Include a link back here somewhere in your post
  • Don’t have a blog? We’d love to have you share the details of your recent home improvement in the comments!
It is promising to be a fun party! Besides getting to share our ideas and creations, it is always fun to browse through the posts of others and gain more ideas and inspiration.

See you all right here next Tuesday, March 5th. I can't wait to see your Home Improvements!

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