Kitchen Cleaning Plan

I've never been a huge fan of cleaning. Oh, I've done my fair share over the years, don't get me wrong! But really, is there anyone out there who really loves to clean? {If you do, don't tell me...I might throw something.}

As I've gotten older I've definitely seen more and more the benefits of cleaning, and have gotten to a place where I don't mind it as much as I used to. {Just don't tell my mother that}

Since I am the one that does most of the kitchen cleaning around here, I recently decided it was time to come up with a plan for better long-term cleaning. Some areas of the kitchen were really starting to bug me - the food splatters around the compost bucket, the dingy white-ness of the cabinet doors, and the feeling of of never being on top of it all.

Ever felt that way?

{Or maybe you don't have food splatters around your compost bucket. Can I come live in your perfect world?}

I made a list of the areas that need constant cleaning maintenance, and found a way to stay on top of it from week to week. I distributed the tasks out over the 10 week-day times I wash dishes. I also included more of a "deep clean" for Saturdays. So far the system has been working quite well!

Here is my game plan:

Each task is very simple to accomplish and doesn't take much time. If I am gone or for some other reason a certain day's task doesn't get done, no biggie - I'll just do it next week!

The Saturday deep cleaning is one of those things that leaves me with a warm fuzzy feeling when it is done...I just love looking over a nice, clean kitchen! I borrowed some ideas from Kati's deep cleaning method, and it works out great! It is always a job to tackle those nasty drip pans, but it is nice to have them clean for at least a few hours each week. {wink!}

I'd love to share this schedule with you...just leave a comment with your email addy and I'll send you a copy! Or you can specify that you would like a blank copy so that you can fill in the tasks yourself. Either way, I'd love to share!

What cleaning methods do you use? Any other daily maintenance tips that would help us out? Do you clean around your compost bucket??


I Heart Nap Time


  1. Way to go Nicole!! Doesn't it feel so great to know its all clean and neat?

  2. I think I will need to "steal" your idea and tweak it to our needs! It seems so much easier to get it done in small chunks! Thank you for inspiration!

    1. Feel free to steal it! :) Actually, I'd be happy to share a blank copy of the weekly schedule with you if you give me your email address. It is a great system that is so much easier to maintain! Thanks for commenting! =)


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