The Desires of my Heart

We all have dreams - visions and plans for the way we want things to turn out in our life. Often, those dreams do not go as we planned. Today I’d like to give you a brief testimony of God’s grace to me.

Have you ever made plans and dreams, only to have to put them on the shelf later and try to forget about them? I have. I’ve had to come to a place where I took my dreams and sacrificed them on the altar of my will, and gave the entire thing over to God, saying, “God, its yours.” Hard, people, hard.

But He giveth more grace...when I least expect it. One of those dreams - that I thought was completely and totally out of reach - was revived this weekend. It was like God reached down and said, “I haven’t forgotten about you, Nicole - so I’m giving you this gift, a token of my grace in a difficult time.” It was a small thing, and very insignificant to everyone...but me. He granted me a desire of my heart.

I played the piano for a radio broadcast.

I know you think it is insignificant and silly...and that is ok. You can call me silly if you want. :) But the opportunity to minister through radio broadcasting was a dream...a dream I had to put on the shelf. Until yesterday.

Many of you know that I play the piano for a small church that was without a pianist for a long time. This church was put on a rotation to have a service broadcasted locally, and yesterday was the first “radio Sunday.” It has been planned for a long time...but I was so afraid to even hope that I would actually get to participate. I was pretty sure I was going to come down with the flu or get stuck in a blizzard or something and end up not being there. Oh me of little faith! In fact, when I found out about this radio opportunity, I actually prayed that this church would not find another pianist until I got to do it at least once. Horrible, aren’t I?

I didn’t come down with the flu. No blizzards or any natural disasters. :) Everything went smoothly...and I was on the radio. When I walked in and saw this, it thrilled me to the very tips of my toes:

Yeah, those are microphones. Like I've never seen them before or something, right? :)

I wanted to sneak a secret picture of the rest of his equipment, (because bloggers do weird things like that) but he was sorta sitting there the whole time, and the picture wouldn’t have been so secret. So that ended up being the only picture I was able to get. But it was enough for me to document the day! We’re scheduled for another radio Sunday in February - and I’m sure you’ll hear about it! :)

The opportunity to minister and evangelize through radio is so important to me. The Bible says that the devil is the “prince of the power of the air” any time we can take those airwaves from him and use them for God’s service is a time that the ol’ devil is defeated! Victory through Christ!

Long story short...God’s grace is abundant. Don’t lose heart, or think that He has forgotten you. He hasn’t...and He is waiting to do in your life exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think!

Linked up with: Womanhood With Purpose


  1. What a great testimony of God's continued faithfulness! Thanks SO much for sharing this, Nicole! It greatly encouraged my heart this morning.


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