Blogging News and Updates

Today’s post is just going to be a hodge-podge of random blogging info, because I have some exciting (and not so exciting) things to share about changes that are being made! So, I decided to cram them all into one boring post and call it a day. Ok? Hopefully you can stick with me to the end!

Item #1: Home Improvement Party

Yup, its that time again.. Time for our monthly Home Improvement Linky party! I had a blast seeing the super creative ways that you improved your home last month, and I’m excited to see what you have to link up this month! {note: all the participants last month also got a Facebook mention, so maybe that will give you a little motivation to get your party on?}

Remember, you can link up ANY type of improvement you’ve made to your physical home, or your way of living over the month of March. Our party is going to be held next Thursday, March 28th and will go live at 8am. EST. So head back over here then to link up your blog posts from the last months, or share in the comments section the improvements you’ve been making to your home!

Item #2: Newsletter

I’m always dreaming of new ways to make this blog’s community a fun, helpful place. One of my dreams has been to incorporate some kind of newsletter with behind-the-scenes info, news updates, and just more general randomness! Through the newsletter you will be the first to receive news about shop updates and sales, reminders about linky parties or other challenges, and other fun things I dream up along the way! I started sending a newsletter at the beginning of March to a handful of people that have shown interest in my blog or shop in the past. I originally thought I’d be sending this out as an email once every two weeks, but I can clearly see its going to be a weekly thing. :) So I’d love for you to sign up, and bear with me while I get the hang of this thang. So far it has been fun and I’ve had some great feedback, so I hope you’ll join in! You can join by simply leaving your email in the handy little box in my right sidebar {the one that says, "Subscribe to the Newsletter."}

Oh, and from now on, anyone who signs up for the newsletter will receive a free Home Management printable. Yay for free stuff!

Item #3: Boo for Spam

Over the past few months I’ve been getting what to me seems like a totally unreasonable amount of spam comments. Thankfully, none of them have had bad content, and my spam filter has caught most of them. They are actually quite hysterical sometimes… things like, “Great post, man!” or “Hey, you blog about the same sorts of things as I do” and then a link to their skateboarding site. Really? Skateboarding?

Lately, these comments are getting more and more frequent (sometimes 20+ a day!) and my spam filter has stopped catching them all. So daily, I have to come to the blog and delete 4-5 spam comments from my most recent post. That is obviously NOT what I want my readers to be greeted with when they come to my sight, and I personally think it deters you from leaving true, genuine comments {which I love and appreciate!}

So unfortunately, I am going to have to turn on that dreaded Word Verification for my comments. I absolutely hate doing it, because I hate that word verification myself on other blogs! {is it just me, or are some of them impossible to read?} Hopefully this will stop the spambots from coming to my blog,and after a time I can turn it back off. But for now, you all will have to bear with me, and verify that you are not a robot to leave a comment.

I hope that this doesn’t deter you from leaving comments, because I love, love, LOVE receiving each and every genuine comment from you sweet readers! It absolutely makes my day! So please stick with me. :)

Okay, back to more fun stuff...

Item #4: Pinterest Book Boards

You know that reading is one of my passions in life {right up there with drinking coffee} and I love finding books with great content that I can recommend to others. Each month in my Hot Happenings recap posts I share the books I’ve recently read and a brief review. Now you can find those same recommendations on my Pinterest board, “Books I’ve read {and recommend}.” Original title, no? I’m still working on adding to this board, but I hope you’ll head on over and follow along to get some great book titles to add to your reading list.

I also am working on a board of books I want to read...and I’d love to hear what books you recommend! I think organizing my reading in these two categories is going to be so convenient!

Okay, I’m done my rambling. Thanks for sticking with me this long! What are your thoughts in regards to these four items? Anything I could do differently to make your blog reading experience better? I love working to make this blog a fun, helpful place to be!

Psst! Don’t forget to head over and enter to win Leah’s giveaway! My tablet sleeve is one of the giveaway items, as well as some adorable handmade baby + toddler gear from 3 other handmade shops. You don’t want to miss out!


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