Home Improvement: DIY Homemakers Edition {March Party}

Welcome to our third monthly Home Improvement party! I am so excited to see what great improvements you have made to your home this month!

Home Improvement banner

Here are the super simple rules to make this a fun party zone...

  • Link up any type of post that has made an improvement to your home this month - a project, organizing effort, cleaning system, new recipe, planning or list making, or even a topical post like couponing or child-rearing. Basically anything goes!
  • Feel free to link up as many posts as you’d like, as long as they are recent {we’ll say anytime in March to be fair}
  • Include a link back here somewhere in your post ~ feel free to use this button if you want!

home improvement button
Grab this button

Don’t have a blog? We’d love to have you share the details of your recent home improvement in the comments!

Let the party begin! I can't wait to see what improvements you have made. Thanks for participating!


  1. I was so excited to link up when I wrote this post on tuesday that I forgot what day it was and was a little upset on wednesday morning (thinking it was Thursday) that you didnt have the linjy party posted! Silly me!


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I appreciate you taking the time to comment! Lets keep things fun and edifying, shall we? Also: don't be afraid if your comment doesn't pop up right away. Some comments have to be moderated. Thanks!

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