Gifts & Goals for the Week, April 22, 2013

Happy Monday, friends! I had a fantastic weekend, and I trust you did too! Here is a peek into mine...

I was able to attend a ladies retreat at Forest Glen Bible Camp this weekend and wow, what a spiritually encouraging time it was! We heard from a fantastic speaker with a seriously amazing background - the kind of person that helps you to realize how much you really do have to be thankful for. {She hand-paints beautiful note cards if you'd like to check out her work!}

Besides the truths that were learned from God's word, this retreat was a great time to make new friends, meet up with old ones, and just generally have a good time! I got picked to get adorned as a "princess"... don't be jealous....

Can't believe I just put that online!!
I also got to meet up with some beautiful blogging friends. Here is Amanda now, singing a solo. I always enjoy hearing her sing!

It was a fantastic, needful time for each lady that is in service to the Lord. In the type of area we live in, it is sometimes easy to get an Elijah mentality, believing that I am the only person in the whole province that is serving the Lord. That is not the truth, and meeting up with 100+ Christian women proves that fact. The spirit of the retreat was so encouraging, and I'm thankful for each lady that went!

Besides the manifold blessings of the retreat, I also recorded these blessings on my One Thousand Gifts list...

563. Early morning serenade by songbird
564. People
565. Harvest of blessings
566. Exciting trip opportunity
567. Work, work, work!
568. Spring peepers
569. Sunset on ocean


Last week turned out to be one of those weeks where life happened. Ever have those? The weeks where things don't seem to go according to your pre-determined plan, and your well-thought-out goals just fly out the window. When I have weeks like that, I just remind myself that it is ok! My goals do not define whether my week is good or bad...they just serve as a guide to get me where I want to be. In letting my goals for the week go, I hope that I let in some more needful things - even if I wasn't aware of it!

I did get to cross a few off my list from last week, in spite of the different schedule:

Finish new shop item

Work on mending

Continue reading 2 books

Write 2 letters

Memorize Philippians 3:7-9

Finish one post for another site

Practice piano one day

Attend the Ladies Retreat at Forest Glen Bible Camp 

This week, I'm setting these goals:

Hem pants {15 pair!!}

Work on mending

Finish new shop item

Finish one post for another site

Write 2 letters/emails

Continue to read Won by Love {Norma McCorvey} and Tamate: the Life Story of James Chalmers {Richard Lovett}

Work on switching up bedroom decor - I’m ready for a change!

Memorize Philippians 3:10-12

I'd love to hear what you are working on this week! Ever have a week where "life happened?" How do you balance setting goals and letting the Lord work in different situation than you'd planned? 

Psst! Today in my weekly newsletter I've shared a bit of my story about why I started So Sew Organized, as well as my vision for where I'd like to see it go. I also included a Mother's Day coupon! Go sign up for the newsletter in the right sidebar to be able to read all this info for yourself!! Having trouble signing up? Leave me your email address and I'll see that you get added!


  1. Aww...I didn't know you took that pic! Wish I'd been looking up, lol. Didn't have the song memorized, bad me! hehe
    If you send me your email I'll get the one of the three of us off to you. =) It was a great time, though. Best Ladies Retreat I think I've been to!

    1. Ha, I just read this - AFTER I commented on your blog asking for the picture! Hehe..just get it to me one way or the other, haha!


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