Goals for the Week, June 24, 2013

Here we are at the last week of June...already! I made some progress on my goals for last week, how about you?

Work on lots of new shop items.

Review Philippians 1

Get up at 8 each day

Organize room - put away birthday gifts {*she says as she  hangs her head in shame.} This led to a whole organizing project!

Practice piano two days

Continue reading A Man Called Peter

Write 2 emails to friends

Cut out play clothes for the girls

This week, I'm working on these goals:

Continue to work on new shop items

Finish mending pile

Cut out girl's culottes

Begin planning for VBS

Review Philippians 2

Rearrange bookshelves

Finish A Man Called Peter

Write two letters/emails

Practice piano 2 days

What goals are you working on this week? Share them with me below!


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