I Don't Want to Work

I have never wanted to have a job.

There, I said it.

But before you judge me, let me explain.

What I mean is that I have never aspired to have a regular, 9-5 job. The kind where you wake up in the morning, go to work, come home, sleep, wake up, go to work, and so forth. Every day, same thing, over and over for the rest.of.your.life.

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but do you feel like that is the cycle you're in? Like you're obligated to this place you call work and the endless pit of making money to spend it on material and necessary things?  Maybe your family's financial situation forces you to have to work, putting your kids through school or to help with other bills. Maybe you work long hours, overtime even, and feel that you never get to spend time with your kids or family. Maybe you're tired of working all day long with no real vacation and not much to show for it.

That. I never have aspired to do that.

I do know that this is a necessary reality for many women, and I'm not condemning you in any way for it. In fact, I have a deep respect for the lady who has to work outside the home during the day and take care of her family by night. Kudos to you!

All that being said, here is my heart on the matter.

I want to be able to leave room for ministry.

I never want to be so tied to a regular job that it leaves no room to run when service opportunities come up. Even simple things like church workdays, Wednesday night services, or music practice....I want to be able to give my talents to these areas and serve the Lord in this way.

Then there are the big things like missions work. Being tied to a job might not allow you to pick up everything and go to a foreign field. Right now my cousin and her family are in Africa for 6 weeks on a short-term missions project. They aren't tied here, and are able to take some of those opportunities that arise. I love that!

But how can one do it? How can you help contribute to the needs of your family, yet still not be tied down to a job so much that it leaves no room for anything else?

There are so many options for women nowadays to work from their own homes. It even can go as far as setting hours that work well for their family!

Other bloggers have done extensive posts on the options available, but let me just name a few that seem most doable:

Virtual assistant
Selling a product
Product consultant

Some of these options may take time before you see regular income coming in. In the meantime, there are options like selling on eBay or Craigslist, taking online Surveys, sponsored tweets, or offering up one of your talents locally like baking and selling your goodies, or teaching music or sewing.

I've been blessed - the Lord has always provided for me without my having to tie myself down to a job. As a teen I cleaned house for a sweet, bedridden lady. Through college I worked part time in the college library during the school year, and was on the housekeeping staff during the summer. I was able to volunteer for 7 months in a missions organization, I've done mending from my home for people I know, and just recently the Lord provided a part-time, temporary job for me - I'm helping a Christian couple out with their business for the next few weeks that I'm in the States. The Lord is so good! He knows the desire of my heart - to leave room for ministry - and He has always, always been faithful in providing that for me.

My point is, there are options! And I'll let you in on a secret...this is one of my biggest dreams for So Sew Organized.

I've watched women that I know struggle with being a slave to a job. (That's how I see it anyway!) They work long days, 6 or 7 days a week, all year long...with almost nothing to show. I'd love to be the one to show them that there could be a better way. To be able to offer them a job that they can do from their own home while taking care of their family. Where they can set hours that work best for them, and take time for ministry as the need arises.

I can't wait for the day that So Sew Organized has grown to this place. We're not there yet, in case you are wondering. :) But its my dream, and I wanted to share it with you so together we can watch it grow to reality.

I'd love hear from you, not only where you currently are in a job situation, but also where you'd like to be in the future. What dreams are you working towards? If you would like to know more about any of the options I listed above, let me know and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction. =)

Want to read more about how YOU can work from home? Here are some links that inspired me:

Becoming a Work-at-home Mom blog series via Money Saving Mom
How to make money blogging via Blogging on the Side
Maggie Whitley's Independent Business tips


  1. I hear you on being tied down to a job. While I love teaching, I did miss being able to pick up and just do whatever. I love the option of tutoring from home because I can set my own hours for that. And, like you, I do enjoy sewing and creating new ideas for my Etsy store. It is a blessing for us to be able to remain at home. I sincerely do feel for those women who want to stay home but can't. And, there are those who also enjoy being in the workforce. Kudos to them for enjoying it! =)

    1. Very true! Thanks for leaving your input on the matter, I am glad you are able to do what you enjoy in this season of your life! :)

  2. I too, know what you mean about being "tied" to a job. I mentioned on FB abiut myself being a workaholic. I've enjoyed every job that I have had and I truly am grateful, even though its taken a lot of adjusting, for the opportunity I now have to stay at home and assist my hubby in our ministry. This is a great dream you have for SoSew Organized and I will enjoy praying for it and watching your work pay off for you in the long run! Personally, cant wait to see the burlap purse! :)

    1. Thanks for your input Becky, and also your support and prayers for So Sew Organized! I am so glad you were willing to do what is best for your family during this season of your life.


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