My Current Devotional Plan

While we are still close to the beginning of a new year {its still January, so it counts, right?} I wanted to share a bit of my plan for my personal Bible reading schedule this year.

Some people stick to the same devotional plan year after year. Nothing wrong with that, but I am not one of those people. I don't want to get caught in a rut of doing something just because it is what I've always done. I like trying new things and sometimes pushing myself to do better than I have in the past.

In the past few years, I've read through the Bible in a year, then did a year of concentrated study on a few particular topics, and then last year read through the Bible twice in one year. That was particularly stretching, but I feel it gave me a great look at the Bible as a whole. I think it will be a while before I attempt it again, however. :)

To start this year off, I'm following a daily reading guide in a quarterly called Feature. This edition is a few years old, but the Bible does not change, so it doesn't really matter. This particular book has a passage to read and a short summary that explains it. So far I'm enjoying it, the writers really have a way of making some pointed, convicting summaries.

I'm using this simple chart to keep track of my progress.

I simply colour in every day that I complete my reading. You can see that I've missed a couple days...I'll be honest! While my goal is to complete this reading every day, the Christian life isn't lived keeping a score card. I want to have that daily communion with the Lord to have fellowship with him, not to make a check mark on this chart. Does that make sense?

This chart will be an eye opener because as the years go on I'll be able to see how many days I really do miss. It is easy to think, "I just missed this one day, its not a big deal." But really seeing how many "one days" I have will show how they all add up! I'm going to work on having the rest of this chart filled in completely by the end of the year.

Besides this reading, I'm also reading a chapter of the book of Proverbs each day, and going through a study book with a group of ladies from church.

I enjoy sharing my current study habits with my blog readers to help keep me focused and accountable, but also to encourage you to have a daily devotional time of your own! Share your current habit with us in the comments. Do you have a devotional time each day? If so, what is your current reading plan? If you don't, what is keeping you from achieving that goal? If I can be of help to you in this area in any way, don't hesitate to contact me privately.

Linked to the Weekend Wind-Down Party


  1. Very nice, I read my devotionals when I get into the office.

    1. I enjoy seeing your pictures on FB each day. Love that you have a system in place that works for you! Thanks for commenting. =)

  2. I dont have a reading plan for the entire year but I do use a calendar similar to yours to kerp track of the days I've read. Its a great motivator/humbler.
    Also, I only read a few verses everyday, just enough to really meditate on a learn something from. Example: I'm reading through Romans 6-8 because my pastor said those are chapters that every Christian should know. So, I read the entire chapter that im working on (to keep myself in context) then I go back and take just 1-3 verses and study those for the day. :) doing this method has helped me get a lot more out of my Bible reading :)

    1. Thanks for sharing, it is so important to find a method that works for YOU. I'm glad you have a system in place! =)

  3. I'm looking for a devotional to read with my husband, but maybe we should just try a schedule like yours!

    1. I think you and your husband would benefit from a study together, and maybe you could do a simple reading like this on your own in addition to that. Just a thought! It is important that you find what works best for YOU.

      Thanks for commenting! =)


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