Hello Monday and More Snow! March 17, 2014

It's Monday, time for some hellos! If you're just coming in, Hello Monday posts, started by Lisa Leonard, are where I greet the week with some hellos, and reflect a bit on last week.You are welcome to join me by saying hello to your own day in the comments section or over at Lisa's blog. Lets greet the new week with a smile!

Hello St. Patrick's day! Do you celebrate?

Hello work. I love my part-time job, and the people I see each week!

Hello Facebook. I'm thankful it allows me to connect with my family and friends from afar!

Hello cute brother. They sent me this picture today of his first professional hair cut. Could he be any cuter?

Hello mid-March. Hard to believe when it looks like this outside:

Hello wet feet. 

Hello warm house. 

Hello church. Yesterday's messages were so important and practical! Here is a quote from last night's message:

Hello new projects for So Sew Organized. Can't wait to share them soon!

Hello sales. I'm excited about what is coming in for Ruth and Alan. 

Hello 2 more weeks of March. We have a ways to go to meet our goal, can you help us?

Hello Monday, hello blog readers! What are you saying hello to today?


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