Organizing your Vehicle for Summer Fun!

Now that summer weather has finally arrived, I for one find myself spending a lot of time in my vehicle! Between work, events with family, local events such as this, or church events, there are lots of great reasons to be on the go. The lack of organization in my car, however, was starting to drive me nuts! For something we use often, it is easy to let the cleanliness slide.
So I decided to do something about it!

I started by cleaning and vacuuming out the entire inside. I found all kinds of garbage under the seats…gross! How does that happen?

Once it was all sparkling clean, I made a list of the different items I wanted to put back in the car to be prepared for whatever a day might bring.

Read the rest of my contributor post at Imperfect Homemaker!

Linked up to the Weekend Wind-Down Party, Link Party Palooza, The Creative Collection, Say G'day, The DIY Dreamer


  1. Thanks so much for joining the Say G’Day Linky Party. We have pinned your post to the Say G’Day Saturday board! Hope you can join in again this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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