Feelings of Inadequacy

Do you see this, friends? This is my name. In print. As a conference workshop speaker.

I'm sitting here at Starbucks finishing up my notes for the workshop, because ohmystars it is this Friday and wow, that came fast. I've only known about it since April, haha. They asked me to do a workshop on blogging for a group of Christian writers, and I'm all like, why me? I think I am the smallest most insignificant blog on the planet, and they want me to speak about it?

The notes came together pretty well - I have a whole board of blogging tips to refer to, plus an amazing network of other bloggers that have helped me along the way. I even have a simple slideshow and handouts and that part is easy. But now I'm to the hard part, the most important parts: the introduction and conclusion, where I desperately want to encourage people that they can do it, show them that it is worth it, and ignite a spark of creativity.

And now I just feel inadequate. 

Because how do you encourage someone to do something you yourself feel that you stumble to do?

I've been blogging for several years, but it is definitely something I've just slowly learned along the way. I guess in my mind, a person that teaches others has to be a professional in their field, right? And I'm no professional. But maybe that is where my thinking is wrong. Maybe I just need to be the best version of me. The version of me that gives God the credit and relies on Him for help, and share what I have learned personally and not worry about being professional.

So I just keep repeating these words from fellow blogger Emily (who is the type of gal that should be doing this workshop!)

So despite my feelings of inadequacy and the feeling that I am not good/smart/famous enough, I'm just going to remember that I have something to offer. I have the Words of Truth, after all, and since when is that not enough?

I really, truly am excited about this opportunity. Really! I can't wait to stretch myself a little and try something new, while meeting fantastic people and being encouraged by the rest of the conference. You can be sure I'll be back next week to share how it went and all I learned! Thanks readers, for being there...for being my readers, because without you fantastic people supporting this blog I wouldn't be here at all.

What events/circumstances are facing you that force you to rely on God?

Linked up with: Hit me With Your Best ShotThe DIY DreamerWeekend Wind Down Party


  1. Good one, Nicole. I'm sure every one of our workshop leaders would share your same sentiments... yet, it's no small thing that you all are volunteering for. Don't forget to bring something to read for Live Writers... and if I can put in a request, this would be a great read for it. Aunt Susan , your conference roomie.

    1. Thank you for the opportunity and for your encouragement!! =)

  2. Wow, what a great opportunity! I will be praying for you. You will be great, I am sure :)

    1. Thanks for the prayers, Jenn! I will need them I am sure. I am so glad I have this opportunity. =)

  3. I love the honesty of this post! I think you're in a GREAT position to have God take over! So many things He calls me to do I feel so overwhelmed and not able to do. But that forces me to focus on Him and then everything falls into place. I'm sure you'll do a great job!

    1. "I think you're in a GREAT position to have God take over!"

      What a beautiful truth, Carrie! Thank you for that encouraging word! I think God brings us to these places purposefully so we have to depend on Him and see what His power can do. Thanks for the reminder!

      Nicole =)


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