One Small Step at a Time

My own journey to healthier, greener choices did not begin until I was out of college. As I started to read blogs, research real foods and recipes, and make some healthy decisions for myself I found that I was quickly overwhelmed! Things like grinding my own flour, knowledge of herbs and herbal remedies, essential oils, etc. etc. went way over my head. Too much information, not enough time and money!

It is easy to feel like this healthy living thing is just a fad, and sales gimmic, and a way for companies to get more money. But after learning more about what we are really putting into our bodies each day and the truly negative effects it has, I have come to realize that it is a very important topic! Our bodies can not function the way God intended if we do not have the support and nutrition that he designed for us to need.

But it does take work, and it does take money...precious money we might not have. Trust me, I get that! I don't have the money to shop at health food-y, organic-y stores all the time. So along the way, I've tried to make small, healthier changes as I am able. Do I always eat grass-fed beef? No. Does my makeup contain all natural ingredients? No. But each time I make one small change that is one more area that is helping my body work how it was designed to work.

Here are a few of the simple changes I've recently made on my own healthy living journey:

Non-GMO cream for my coffee - I use Stonyfield. The ingredients on this carton are better than many other creamers, and the No GMO, no pesticide, no hormone standard makes me feel better about the whole thing. I love Stonyfield yogurt for breakfast, too.

I use lemon juice to boost immune system, and pair it with honey for a cough. I can count on one hand the times I've put drugs or antibiotics in my system. I know this isn't possible for everyone, but it is one small step that makes me happy! The lemon juice and honey methods that I shared with you here have worked well for me for several years now.

I recently started using Hydrogen Peroxide for a mouthwash. People, this is huge. I absolutely hate the flavor, but I'm doing it anyway because I hate going to the dentist even more. :) I dilute it with water and swish it around my mouth every night. Peroxide is the ingredient in whitestrips and whitening toothpaste, so this should not only clean my mouth and gums but whiten my teeth as well! I also use Peroxide to clean up foot fungus as I explained here.

I bought the Healthy Living book bundle. I know, maybe this doesn't seem like a "small step" to you...but I believe it is one of the easiest small steps you can take! It is available at the click of a button, and will provide you with so many resources and helps for whatever area of healthy living you are interested in. This is one small step we all can take....what are you waiting for? Take this step with me right now!
The Healthy Living bundle is no longer available...thanks for taking an interest! Subscribe to my blog to read more about my healthy living journey and get a heads up when the next bundle is available. 

These are all small changes, I know. Compared to other people, I still fall way short, but that is why we don't compare ourselves to other people, right? {wink} I know I still have a long way to go. I know buying cream at the store is still cream from the store, not the farm. But it is something. And I believe it is better to do something than nothing at all.

Here are some other healthier changes I've read about and would like to try:

The "no 'poo" hair care method. If you haven't heard of this, it consists of not putting store-bought shampoo and conditioners in your hair and using natural ingredients instead. You can read about it here, here and here. There are possible side effects, however, after years of using baking soda on your hair: here is an example, and here is another. So perhaps just the occasional use of this method would be better? I've also heard that coconut oil strengthens and protects your hair, so maybe that fits into the routine somewhere?? We'll see!

The oil cleansing method for my face. You can read about it here, here, and here, but basically this is removing harsh chemicals and letting natural oils clean your face as they were intended to, with only a little help from you.

And other natural beauty routines. Here is homemade hairspray, deodorant, zit zapper, makeup remover and face scrub, just for starters! One step at a time, people...

I'd love to hear what small steps you are making, or what steps you want to make in your own healthy living journey! Have you tried any of the things I mentioned above? Feel free to share, and of course we won't compare your story to anyone else's. {wink!}

Linked up with Say G'Day, Hit me With Your Best Shot. The DIY Dreamer


  1. DIY natural remedies book looks good. I think I may check that out. I would love it if you joined and contribute your awesome posts at my link party at City of Creative Dreams, starts on Fridays :D Hope to see you there at City of Creative Dreams Link Party.

    1. Thanks for the invite, I will have to check it out! I hope you will look into and consider buying the whole bundle, I know it would be a help to you!

      Nicole =)

  2. I'm slowly removing chemical ridden products from our life and using essential oils. It's time consuming to do all the research but the pros outweigh the cons!

    1. Glad I'm not the only one that spends lots of time on research. :) Thanks for your input, essential oils are definitely on my long-term list of changes to make!

  3. I think small changes are the way to make it stick! Way easier than trying to overhaul everything at once.

    If you decide not to do the no shampoo thing, I suggest Lush for shampoo & conditioner! Their stuff is all natural and handmade, a lot is even vegan. It's definitely more expensive, but it's all I've used for years!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Crystal! I'll have to keep Lush shampoo in mind.

      Nicole =)

  4. I started out with a jar of free coconut oil from tropical traditions about a year ago (I already did non bleach cleaning products because that's what my mom does) but I have come leaps and bounds since then! :) lots and lots of reading, research and prayers for wisdom to discern what I was reading! I love the no poo method for hair care using baking soda always to wash a vinegar/chamomile tea mixture for conditioner and coconut oil once every couple months with a small trim. I have not had any of the problems mentioned in the other blogs by doing this method but I've also only been using it since February.
    Also, I agree with you, one step in the right direction is better than not taking a step at all!
    Btw, where do you buy your creamer? I've never heard of that brand

    1. Thanks for commenting, Becky! I trust your "hair" judgement given your past profession! :) How often do you wash your hair with the no poo method? Do you ever substitute for something else?

      I get Stonyfield products right at my local grocery store and even at Walmart! I don't know if it is a New England brand or not? Their products are so good! Maybe if you go to their website there is a "find a store" option. Good luck!

      Nicole =)

  5. With the no poo I only wash my hair when it gets dirty/feels like its ti.e to wash not everyday but probably every 2-3 days depending. When I started I eased into doing it by adding a little baking soda to the shampoo I was getting ready to use. Then gradually did less shampoo and more baking soda until it was all baking soda took about a month to switch over but I never went through the yucky stages some people talk about having when they first start. Also, something I think is very key is the vinegar rinse (conditioner) baking soda is going to strip the hair so used alone could be very damaging my "rinse" is 1 part water 1 part ACV and 1 part brewed chamomile tea. You could omit the tea and just do 2 parts water and 1 part ACV if you want. Hope this helps :)

    I've been looking for the Stonyfield brand in the stores here but haven't found it yet, not giving up though! I really want to try it!

    1. Thanks for the info! I will let you know when I give it a try. :) If Stonyfield isn't sold in your area, maybe you'll have a similar brand. Good luck!

      Nicole =)


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