Hello Monday, Hello last week of October!

It is Monday, time to say hello! I have a had a couple of hectic weeks with more (!) changes and my family visiting, but it has been good! Sometimes, change is good! I'm joining the community at Lisa Leonard Designs to reflect on last week and say hello to this week, will you join me?

Hello Monday.

Hello days and days of rain and all the leaves dead. This is what they looked like a couple weeks ago.

Hello training at a new job and meeting new people.

Hello getting settled into a schedule for this winter...because it is coming very soon!

Hello fleece tights.

Hello sweet boy that snuggled with me each morning last week.

...and visited me at work.

Hello cleaning the house after family left.

Hello beds that are still unmade.

Hello ATM that ate my debit card. Grr! Hello bank, this will be my third card since the beginning of the summer!

Hello new haircut. It has been YEARS since I've had it this short and I'm loving how easy it is. :)

Hello EXCITING Patriot's game yesterday!

Hello readers, hello to a new week! What are you saying hello to today?

Linked up to: Weekend Wind-Down


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