Hello Monday, Hello Half-Way Through November!

It is Monday, time to say hello! I have so many exciting things to say hello to lately...some old, some new, some I can share and some I can't quite yet. {wink!} At any rate, I'm saying hello to a few things below as I join the community at Lisa Leonard Designs. Will you join us? What are you saying hello to today?

Hello Monday.

Hello greeting a new week with excitement and anticipation! This helps get the week off to a better start. :)

Hello to our first two snowfalls of the year.

Hello to Pandora streaming Christmas music.

Hello to that ^ while I sew.

Hello to my very first official photo shoot for So Sew Organized - yes, with real photographers and models and everything! It was so fun, can't wait to reveal the photos!

Hello to planning for a Black Friday/weekend sale...stay tuned!

Hello to 40 hour work weeks.

Hello to brain overload and learning new things.

Hello to two great jobs that I truly look forward to each day.

Hello to realizing just how much I need God and His Word in my every day life - one of those things you know but it really hits home at certain times!

Hello to prayers for lots of friends and family going through hardness right now. Do you have any special prayer needs right now?

Hello to you readers, hello to your Monday! What are you saying hello to today? Leave a comment below and join us in welcoming the new week!


  1. That is awesome, what an exciting Monday! My Monday was a long, boring work day.

    1. Aww, too bad! A lot of days around here are pretty busy...never a dull moment. :) Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

      Nicole =)


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