Quick Tip Tuesday: Re-evaluate

In every area of life, it is good to evaluate your current habits and systems every so often and see if there is a better way you could be accomplishing things. What once worked might not be the best situation for you any more! Things change and circumstances change...and sometimes the great ideas and plans that we had need to change to something better as well.

This holds true in the organizing department.

Really, this is one of the fun parts of organizing. When something isn't working so well, you get to organize all over again! I love the challenge of separating things and finding a place for everything. It is one of the reasons I have never worked or studied well in my room...I look up and see more things I could organize! :)

But sometimes it needs to be done, so I challenge you: what is an area that needs to be re-evaluated? What about that area isn't working for you, and how could it be better? Take it apart, and try putting it back together a few different ways until you find one that works well for you!

Here is one area I am evaluating right now in my own organizing endeavors:

This tiny corner closet is a great place to keep all my fabric. It is handy to my work areas, and has deep - but narrow, narrow - shelves. Currently it is hard to find the fabric I am looking for...I have to take stacks of fabric out to get to the stuff in back, and when I pull one bundle out of the stack they all fall down. No rosies and posies about it.

As you can see, it is currently one hot mess with stacks and stacks of fabric. My ideas for a solution are:

- bins to hold the fabric. They would have to be narrow and I would most likely lose a couple inches of storage space on each side due to how the door is, but I would be able to maximize the space. I could stack a couple on top of each other on the shelves, I think, and organize the fabric by color. The only issue with this solution is I'm not sure they even make bins or totes this narrow. :/

- move the fabric and store something else in here. Maybe something I don't use as often or something that stacks better? I could store the fabric above my clothes in the regular closet instead. Regular bins and totes would fit up there easily and be easier to find.

- more hooks on the back of the door for storage possibly? My necklaces are there now, but maybe the back of the door could be utilized a little bit more?

- purge the fabric. Ok, this has to happen soon anyway. :) I end up with all these random pieces I will never use! Time to get rid of them and make more room for pretty things. :)

Challenge: pick one spot that could stand to be re-evaluated and...evaluate the situation! What clutter or extra items could be purged out? What changes can you make to the organization and function of the space to make it better?

I'd love ideas for making my little corner closet a better, functional space! Any thoughts?


  1. I am an organizer at heart... I've had to let go of some of my organization with three kids... that being said I just reorganized my main coat closet this weekend! I dug out some cloth boxes that weren't being used and put away out of season accessories and found plenty of room for the rain boots and umbrellas that were taking up space just outside of the closet. It always feels so great when an organization project is complete.

    Thanks for sharing your current project


    Reading List

    1. Yay for putting some function into your space! Go you!

  2. I really need to reorganize my island cabinets in my kitchen, but I don't know where else to put things. And I have to keep in mind that everyone needs to be on board with the changes or it is wasted efforts.

    1. You are so right! Try changing some things up or swapping places with things in your kitchen. Remember you might not land on the perfect scenario the first time...sometimes you have to find out what WON'T work before you find what WILL work! Good luck! =)

  3. I think you could use the back of the door to organize some of the smaller trims and pieces when you open the door.


    1. Thanks for the idea Shellie! We'll see what I come up with!

  4. I am hoping to do a little more sewing, but I need to do some cleaning myself before I get started!

    1. Uggh, I totally do that. Clean and organize my bedroom (which is also my sewing space) and get so deep into that project I run out of time for the actual sewing and creating! Whoops! =)

  5. My studio closet is a disaster. I did only marginally better than just throwing the stuff in there when we moved. I just don't love organizing. I do love it when it's done. Going to get my daughter to help me. ;)

    1. That is a good idea! Having another set of eyes and ideas really helps. She may be able to look at things more objectively and help you purge items you no longer need! Good luck! =)

  6. I don't know where to start :-) Actually, I have it mostly under control, except my girls room! We weed out, organize, sort through their things and all of a sudden the room seems to grow more things! It's quite a marvel!! :-)

    1. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem! =) Sometimes I get so fed up...WHERE ON EARTH does all this stuff come from?? (Well except for the fabric...I know where the fabric comes from, hehe)

  7. I am so bad at organization. Oh goodness. I mean my closet looks like a tornado hit it. It's bad. I actually thought your closet didn't look too bad here. Lol. But I do like the bin idea. With labels on the front? Could be cute.

    1. Oooh labels!! What a great idea! Chalkboard ones, maybe?!

      And trust me, this space is horrible. It is deep enough for two or three stacks of fabric...so imagine when I need to get something out of the back stack.... you get the idea! =)

  8. I really wish I was more organized ;) This is definitely motivating!

    1. I'm glad! Can't wait to see what area you are inspired to tackle! =)


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