Goals for the Week of November 2, 2015

It is time for an update on my weekly goals! In case you missed last week, I decided to get back into the habit of setting intentional, weekly goals in order to accomplish more during the precious hours I have around my work schedule. I am happy to report that this first week went very well!

I wasn't sure exactly how it would turn out. It has been a couple years since I really was purposeful about my goals, so to be honest I was slightly skeptical. Was I already doing enough? Did I have more time in a day to get things done?

But it did help, so much! With goals for what I want to accomplish in a week, it was so easy to pull together my daily to-do list from those goals. And there was no question as to what I should do if I did have a little down time. I had a goal to work towards even in the small moments.

Last week's goals:


Spend time in God's word every day
Memorize one Bible verse
Practice piano 3 times


Make pumpkin scones
Finish swapping out summer and winter clothes
Read 3 chapters of a current book


Take photos of new products
List at least 3 new items
Start a friend's custom order

This week's goals:

I'm keeping it really basic this week since we have family coming in for a wedding. It will be a fun week, but won't really lend itself to getting extra things done. ;)


Spend time in God's word each day
Memorize Psalm 86:17
Practice piano 2 times


Get up by 7:30 every morning
Make bed every day before leaving the house
Finish reading The Cows Are Out


List 3 new items in the So Sew Organized shop
Finish two items from custom order

I'd love to hear what you are hoping to accomplish this week! If you are struggling with setting or accomplishing your goals, can I challenge you to keep it super simple and just start! Set just one or two goals for this week, something simple that you should be able to accomplish. Let me know what your goal is below, and I'll be cheering you on!

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Ready to start - or finish! -  your Christmas shopping?


  1. Now you are making me feel like I need to get busy. There are so many things that I intend to do each but the next thing I know the day has ended and I have done only half of what I hoped to accomplish.

    1. I can SO TOTALLY relate! One time when I was feeling overwhelmed with all the things I wasn't getting done, I made a list of just three things to do that day. I limited it to only three and worked on those three things first. It was an amazingly freeing feeling, and I was able to accomplish so much more than if I hadn't prioritized those 3 things. Give it a try!

  2. Ah, great ideas. I have tried this a few years ago too...my problem was my lists were overwhelming, but I like your headings,, they simplify the process completely! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am all about simple! I don't want to set so many goals or put so many things on my to-do list that I get overwhelmed or discouraged. Just pick 2 or 3 things and start there! Give it a try!

  3. We're having a holiday week, so my main goal this week is to prepare all the material for the next five weeks of school.

  4. I wish I were as organized. I think staying home has made me less schedule oriented, but I could do with a bit more order. I started a new thankfulness challenge yesterday. My goal is to stick with it the entire month - No Complaints! #30DaysWithoutComplaint http://heavennotharvard.com/2014/10/23/30-days-without-complaint/

    1. This makes me laugh, because I really don't feel that organized! I make a list of what I want to get done in a week, and then I try to do it. That's it. :) But it works for me! Good luck on your thankfulness challenge! =)

  5. Today's goals:

    - Apply to jobs CHECK
    - Apply client A's changes to a design CHECK
    - Create transition graphic for client A's presentation
    - Correct client B's document
    - Cook 3 lbs of fajita chicken - IN CROCKPOT
    - Cook husband's breakfasts for week
    - Eat minimal carbs (low carb day)
    - Day 15 Yoga (more a fun activity than a goal)
    - Put away laundry - CHECK
    - Mop kitchen and bathroom
    - Vacuum house (which takes all of 3 minutes)
    - Read 1 chapter of Surprised by Hope

    That'll take me to maybe 5 PM.... then just 4 hours to kill. I need more goals. I need a job. ;)

    1. Praying the right job comes along for you! Hope you had a productive day! =)

  6. Making the bed! Why is that SO hard to do?

    1. Uggh, no kidding! My bed doubles as a work space for me, so I do usually end up making it by the end of the day...it would just be nice to have it made ALL day! Working on that! =)

  7. I love having a made bed though. It's so nice to climb into at the end of the day and to look at all day long!

    1. I totally agree! My bed also doubles as a work space for me so I REALLY need it to be made every day, I just don't always get to it before leaving for work. Working on that!

  8. Looks like you've made a good start


  9. Way to go on getting so much of your last week's goals accomplished! This is a super busy week for me - with the holiday season so close my photography business is in it's busiest two weeks... and I'm already falling behind... but that's alright.


    Reading List

    1. I am sure this is a busy season for you! Hang in there!

  10. I want to use up my bananas, so that they're not wasted. I made banana muffins tonight, and hope to make banana bread tomorrow.

    1. Great idea! I try hard to use stuff up before it goes bad and has to be thrown out...what a waste! I often freeze bananas that are going bad. I slice them in baggies and later use them in smoothies and such.

  11. I don't have any goals written down, but I am participating in NaNoWriMo this month, so I plan to write at least 2000 words toward my novel each day, plus get my blog posts up, plus homeschool and try to keep the house somewhat in order. Although I really do need to focus on cleaning my desk and shower.

    1. Those are some great goals! I encourage you to write them down, or at least make a small to-do list each day based on these goals. It is so motivating to be able to cross them off as things get accomplished! =)

  12. This is so motivating to me to keep up on my goals, I love the feeling of checking something off the lust!! What a sense of accomplishment!! :-)

    1. Glad it is helping to keep you motivated, Cathy! Sharing our goals is such a help and keeps me accountable! Good luck on your goals this week!


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