Goals for the Week of December 7, 2015

It has been a couple weeks since I posted my goals, and I've missed sharing that with you! Thanksgiving weekend was so amazing: I had two days off of work, we spent a TON of time doing fun family stuff, and then to top it all off I bought a car kind of last minute! So blogging did not happen. I'm happy to be back at it this week with some plans for the week, and phew...anyone else getting a little panicky that Christmas is so close??!!

Before I do a goals update, how about some snapshots of recent life?

We had two Thanksgivings...this was Friday's table.

A little Thanksgiving day crafting...my first time painting ceramics!
Six of us went Black Friday shopping at 4am! And I may or may not have been interviewed by a local news channel and seen my mug on TV a couple times that day...
This cute 9 year old threw her own Thanksgiving party with a little help from her sister.
We're so glad the local skating rink is open! 13 of us went skating on Sunday afternoon.

The beautiful car God gave me!
Came home to find this unexpected gift on my (unmade) bed! This mug is HUGE!
These girls love to spend the night. We cuddle under blankets, watch Christmas movies, and read books before going to bed. I love it!

 Phew! A lot has been going on. :) Now, on to my goals for the week!

Here is an update on my goals from the last couple weeks:

Spend time in God's Word every day
Memorize Deuteronomy 10:12
Practice piano 3x this week

Get up by 7:30 three days
Read 5 chapters of Money Making Mom
Clean bedroom

Make pillowcases
Post on the So Sew Organized FB page every day

Goals for this week:

Spend time in God's Word every day - at least 3 mornings
Memorize 1 verse
Practice piano 3x this week

Read 5 chapters of Money Making Mom
Finish christmas shopping!!!!

Finish listing new scarves
Finish one custom order
Do mending

I'd love to hear how your Thanksgiving weekend was, and also the goals you will be working towards this week. Who is already done their Christmas shopping?? (Go you!)

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