It's About Time! Part 5
So far in our series on Time Management we’ve talked about the first step to take , setting priorities and goals and how to set a manageable schedule , and things that rob us of our time. We’ve skimmed over a lot of thoughts in this mini-series. Today I’d like to wrap it all up with some random final thoughts to help us on our journey. 1. Don’t put things down, put them away. Ten minutes a day spent looking for lost or misplaced items adds up to over 60 hours a year. Think of all that could be done in 60 hours! Break your procrastination habits in this and other areas: instead of thinking, “I’ll do that later,” stop and do it now! MaryEllen over at Imperfect Homemaker is on a year-long anti-procrastination journey. She has some great thoughts as to why we procrastinate and what can be done to stop that habit! 2. Set goals, then tell others about your goals so that you’ll be motivated and held accountable. You know I set weekly and monthly goals, which I was inspired to do after r...