Goals for the Week of November 9, 2015

Happy Monday, friends! It is time for an update to my weekly goals. Are you setting goals this week?

Last week was a whirlwind, as I knew it would be. We had family in town for a wedding, so I spent most of my days visiting with cousins and preparing for the wedding! It was so fun to gather together as a family for the small ceremony here at the family farm.

Most of my female cousins with our Aunt, the Bride!
Because of the wedding busyness, I tried to keep my goals for last week simple. One was to make my bed every morning before leaving the house. I was amazed at how many of you commented that you also struggle with making the bed! Why is that? It is so much more peaceful and lovely to come home to a tidy bed, you would think we would be able to get it done more easily. It was nice to know that I'm not alone, and I did much better this week, thanks to the encouragement!

Here is my update:


Spend time in God's word each day
Memorize Psalm 86:17
Practice piano 2 times


Get up by 7:30 every morning
Make bed every day before leaving the house
Finish reading The Cows Are Out


List 3 new items in the So Sew Organized shop
Finish two items from custom order

Here are my goals for this week:


Spend time in God's Word every day
Memorize Isaiah 40:28
Practice piano 3 times


Finish swapping all summer/winter clothes
Finish The Cows are Out and start Money Making Mom (beyond excited about this book!)
Get up by 7:30 every morning


List 2 new items in the So Sew Organized shop
Finish 1 custom order and start 2nd

Just in the last two weeks of being back in the goal-setting mode, I've received so much support and encouragement from you readers. Thank you! I'd love to have you join in and set a few goals for this week yourself! If you are feeling overwhelmed, just pick 2-3 things you would like to accomplish this week and leave them below. We are here to cheer you on!

What are you working on this week?

Follow So Sew Organized:
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Ready to start - or finish! -  your Christmas shopping?


  1. I love that you make goals for yourself! Way to challenge yourself!

    1. It is a challenge, and helps me accomplish so much more than I would otherwise! =)

  2. My goals for this week are to be more organized with homeschooling, less stressed, more in God's word and less in my own head.

    1. Great ambitions! I'd encourage you to write those down in specific, manageable steps. For instance, what exactly are you going to do to be more organized with the homeschooling? Having a plan is key to success. Good luck! I'm cheering you on!

  3. I don't write my goals down, but I am thinking I want to try to start doing that. Right now it is all overwhelming and there is SO Much to do....

    Brianna @unveiledandrevealed.com

    1. I think you will find that writing them down helps! I started doing just that because I was feeling overwhelmed as well. Keeping it SUPER simple and specific has helped me actually get things done! So pick just a few important things for this week, write them down, and then work on those things first. Try not to think about all the things you aren't doing, and focus on what you can do instead. I know you will feel less overwhelmed! Good luck! I'm cheering for you!

  4. What excellent goals! Spending time with God every morning--I see that got checked off, so you got the most important things done, eh? I have a hard time getting in all the piano time in I want too (although I seem to make time for all the kids...ahem...)
    As a farmer's wife, I just feel bad for anyone who writes about their cows getting out (couldn't help it, LOL--I crack myself up if no one else). Ironically, sewing is the biggest thing on my list this week as we settle into the winter.

    1. I definitely got the most important thing done! :) I put that at the head of my list each week, not because I don't do it otherwise, but because I want to make sure it gets top priority! I rarely miss a day in God's Word, but having it at the top of my list reminds me what is most important.

      Since you are a farmer I think you would really enjoy this book! It is one lady's experience on a Maine dairy farm, and it is REALLY funny. :) You could relate to a lot of it, I'm sure! =)

  5. OH MY WORD!!!!! You're so brave to put this up for everyone to see! I don't think I could do it! I would fear failure! Although I will say, I have my daily to-do lists and I finished mine today!!!! Hooray!!! Anyway, clapping hands for you because you're so ambitious and open! But come on.... practicing piano 2-3 times a week makes us all look bad!!! ;) jk Hope you're doing well!

    1. I'm not sure if I am brave or foolish, lol. ;) It is really good accountability, even though I rarely complete EVERYTHING, I sure to accomplish a lot more this way! And quite honestly, I am playing the piano for our church's cantada this year, so I have to make practice a priority right now. :/ Thanks for commenting!

  6. You know, I don't write my goals down but I probably should. That makes them more real. You have such a purposeful approach to reaching your goals. I really admire that.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Mary! Writing them down sure does help. Hope you will try it!

  7. I like how you break your goals into categories. I need to start doing that. I also want to read Money Making Mom!

    1. It helps me to break them down and keep them super simple! I can't wait to read the book, I know it will be fantastic!

  8. Ok, this is the second time I have seen how you set out your goals, and I think this means I am going to do the same! It just makes sense, and I need to be more productive! Thank you.

    1. Glad I could inspire you, Helen! Just start super simple with a few things you need to accomplish this week. I'd love for you to share them here or let me know next week how you did! Good luck, I am cheering you on! :)

  9. My goals this week are to work on a subscriber-only printable for my blog and to figure out what to do with all my daughter's artwork. :)

  10. What a good way to keep yourself accountable posting your goals publicly! I have to be honest I'm not sure I am brave enough to do that!

    1. Its really not that bad. :) I don't normally finish them all but this way I am inspired to do my best!

  11. You did really well on your goals! Good luck on doing even better this week! <3


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