2013 Goals: March Update
When I decided to publish my goals for the year 2013 , one thing I was looking forward to was the accountability I would receive from my readers! To keep myself on track, and let you know the areas I've been working on, I'm posting an update today from the month of March. I'd love to hear how you are progressing with your goals for 2013, whether you set several or even just one! Spiritual goals : {this is the most important area for me!} Draw closer to and be more like my Saviour . I know this sounds vague and non-specific, but at the end of 2013, I want to be able to say that my relationship with Christ has deepened over the year. If I accomplish nothing else all year but this, 2013 will be worth it! **Ongoing goal Finish memorizing Philippians. I have the first chapter completely down, and half of the second. I need to be more intentional about plugging away at this! **I’ve made it all the way through chapter 2! Yipee! Chapters 3 + 4...